Browse the popular topics below

  • Viewing your call history

    PC Phone keeps a record of all the dialled, received and missed calls. The Call History button at the bottom of the window indicates the number of missed calls.…

  • How to access your voicemail

    If voicemail is enabled on your system, you must configure it. Use voicemail to listen or respond to voicemail messages, or delete them.…

  • How to import contacts from a csv file

    Import contacts from a .csv file to your contacts list in the PC Phone app.…

  • How to use Call Grabber

    The Call Grabber feature allows you to grab an active call from one device to another without interruption.…

  • How to transfer a call

    You can transfer a call to another person either announced or unannounced.…

  • How to search for a contact in the directory

    You can search for other Bell Aliant UC users within your company’s domain and add them to your Friends list. Note: An optional feature allows a company to integrate with their corporate Active Direc…

  • How to download, install and configure the PC Phone client

    To get started, go to to download and install the software. Note: Installation of the PC Phone client may require administrative user privileges.…

  • Troubleshooting PC Phone performance

    Please keep the following points in mind in order to optimize the performance of your PC Phone client or address common issues: Before using the PC Phone client, you must be logged in to your corpor…

  • How to create a contact group

    PC Phone allows you to organize your friends into groups. For example, you can group contacts for a major project into one category, personal contacts in another, and administrative contacts in yet an…

  • How to conference a call (ad-hoc)

    While in an active voice conversation, click More .…