Browse the popular topics below

  • How to log in to Personal Agent

    Use your Unified Communications username and password to log in to Personal Agent. You can use Personal Agent web interface to make calls in a similar way to the PC Phone app.…

  • Viewing your call logs

    The call logs panel shows you the incoming and outgoing calls, regardless of the device you made them from or received them on.…

  • How to make a call

    Personal Agent lets you make calls to contacts in your personal address book as well as the global address book (if enabled by the system administrator in your domain). Using Click To Call, enter a p…

  • How to update your password

    Use Personal Agent to configure your personal settings for a Unified Communications phone. You can change your contact information, the password, timers, etc.…

  • How to update your contact info

    Use Personal Agent to configure your personal settings for a Unified Communications phone. You can change your contact information, the password, timers, etc.…

  • How to add an advanced call route

    Advanced call routes give you more flexibility for call routing, similar to if/then/else statements. Note: Advanced call routes will have no effect unless the simple routes are disabled.…

  • How to route your calls to voicemail

    Click Advanced .…

  • How to change your Meet Me Conferencing chair PIN

    Meet Me Conferencing allows you to change the preferences for your personal conference bridge.…

  • Routes overview

    The Personal Agent Routes section has two functions: call screening and call routing. Call screening lets you screen calls and routes them to your voicemail, based on the calling party, day and time o…

  • How to add a contact to your address book

    Your personal address book contains the name, SIP address, phone numbers and other details of your contacts. You can define a group for the contact to belong to and whether or not to include the conta…