Browse the popular topics below

  • Accessing your voicemail

    You can access your Bell voicemail service in one of two ways: From your business phone, dial *98 and follow the prompts From any other phone, dial the toll-free number 310-9898 and follow the pr…

  • Zero-out number

    If it is included in your service, this feature allows you to specify a number that callers will be forwarded to if they press zero upon reaching your voicemail.…

  • Setting up combined voicemail

    Once you've set up your voicemail for your primary phone number, all greetings, recorded names, schedules and notifications will automatically apply to both your primary and secondary numbers. Note:…

  • Setting up your voicemail

    When you attempt to access your voicemail for the first time, enter your temporary password.…

  • Extended absence greeting

    From your voicemail's main menu, press 3 to enter the Greetings menu.…

  • Message playback controls

    The following controls are available during message playback:…

  • Universal key commands

    The following key commands can be used in any menu of your voicemail service: Press # to confirm an entry or skip to the next option Press * once to go back to the previous menu Press * twic…

  • Listening to messages

    You can tell that you have a new voicemail message if you: Hear a series of short dial tones when lifting your phone's handset See your phone's 'message waiting' light come on (if your phone suppor…

  • Main greeting

    From your voicemail's main menu, press 3 to enter the Greetings menu.…

  • Recording messages

    To record a message that can then be sent to another mailbox, phone number or group list, press 2 from your voicemail's main menu to enter the Record menu. From here, you can use the following co…