Browse the popular topics below

  • Viewing your call history

    The phone maintains a list of missed, received and placed calls.…

  • How to set up a conference call

    You can set up a conference call by using either the Conference or Join buttons.…

  • Receiving a call

    An incoming call appears in the call view of the display window. If you donʼt answer the call within 10 seconds, the lines view appears. With the Polycom VVX 500/501/600, you can handle incoming calls in several ways.…

  • How to access your voicemail

    Press the Home button to return to the home screen.…

  • How to receive a second call

    When you are on a call and you receive another call, a call waiting tone beeps. You can answer the second call and speak to the person, then disconnect and return to the first call.…

  • How to use Do Not Disturb

    Enabling Do Not Disturb (DND) sends all incoming calls directly to voicemail. Your caller hears the phone ringing, but you do not. All calls you receive while DND is enabled are logged to your Recent…

  • Navigating the Polycom VVX 500/501/600

    Handset: Close the active line for the call.…

  • How to perform a blind transfer

    You can perform a blind transfer to direct a call to another person without announcing the call to the call transfer recipient.…

  • How to use Call Grabber

    You can seamlessly move a call that is in progress from your Unified Communications mobile or PC phone to your IP desktop phone.…

  • Configuring phone settings

    You can configure the Polycom VVX 500/501/600 phone display to meet your requirements for contrast and other settings. From the home view, scroll to and select Settings .…