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  • Favourites are the contacts in your contact directory that you call most often. Favourites appear in the lines view and have a button assigned to them. To make a contact a favourite, you need to assign a index number to it.
  • 1. Press the Home button to return to the home screen.
  • 2. Touch Directories.
  • 3. Touch Contact Directory…
  • 4. Scroll to and select the desired contact.
  • 5. Touch Add To Favorites.
  • 6. Touch Edit Index.
  • 7. Enter the desired number and touch the check mark once the entry is complete.
  • 8. Touch Save.
  • 9. The star symbol will appear by the selected contact.
  • 10. The selected contact will be added to the favourite list.
  • The contact now has a star next to its name in the contacts directory and was assigned a speed dial button. To remove a favourite from your list, edit the contact to remove the index number.